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Writer's pictureMatilda Pine

Covid 19: where it could lead us

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

The Worlds Governments have been springing into action against ‘Corona Virus’. In the hope to 'Flatten the curve'. For a lot of us shit is hitting the fan! I’m hearing people talk about it Like it’s the Apocalypse. People are Scared! Super market shelves Empty, bins over flowing, pollution levels falling.

... Hang on …


The planet is already showing us signs of it fixing itself; The canals in Venice are crystal clear, Dolphins returning to coastlines, the air is cleaner and scientists are already confirming that this will save thousands from premature death due to pollution.

Yes saving 1% of the planets population is very important and we do need to take these necessary steps to combat the spread. But what about all these scientists saying that we need to take action now to save our planet….

Would it be wrong to question why world leaders are not taking measures and actions on this scale to save the entire population ?

With the rate our species is churning out carbon soon there may be no turning back. AND WE KNOW THIS, we are literally digging our selves a giant grave in space. There are alternatives to fossil fuels, transport, plastic, diets … I could go on.. But right now we are in this battle of short term individual benefit and long term survival.

“Our leaders are absolutely adept at avoiding difficult truths for instance, climate change, in favour of a purely individualistic propaganda of lifestyle protection”. - Alice Holloway- Low impact and ethical Lingerie designer.

We are going to see some big effects from the coming months. There is a lot of Uncertainty going around. I personally along with a lot of people working in sustainability are already feeling this uncertainty with the damage we are causing to our planets eco system, along with the poor effort from our leaders to transform 'the system'. The planet should be acting with this urgency to reshape the way we live on this planet to sustain the natural eco system and our future generations. Yes it will have large impacts on a lot of MASSIVE companies and corporations and the economy …. But all of this will go to shit any way with climate change and the effects imminent with the years to come. at this time it is important for companies to be transparent in how they are run, the materials and carbon footprint in there production chains and waste. But most of the companies that would be effected are not doing this and are also causing a lot of harm to a planet that is home to EVERYONE! “In favour of a purely individualistic propaganda of lifestyle protection” The world leaders relaxed attitude towards this vibrates through the people. I keep engaging with people that frankly don't give a fuck "Its too depressing to think like that". Yes its sad, and yes its serious! BUT maybe it wouldn't feel that way if the appropriate action on a Covid 19 scale was taken!

!!“in favour of a purely individualistic propaganda of lifestyle protection”!!

Covid 19 although isolating us all is also showing signs of communities coming together, being proactive in helping and caring. This is showing us something that is a big part in being human and living fulfilling lives. I am someone that has suffered with my mental health for a long time, don’t get me wrong I’m definitely stressed about my personal living/ money situation that will come with this virus. But I am also feeling over all, Calm. People reaching out to each other, Helping, caring. This is happening all around me and I truly believe this, human instinct, is what is needed to start big changes in a system that is running on false intentions.

Covid 19 could help us realise that it is possible to change the way we live our lives. To build a system that in turn rebalances the planets eco system, along with being more in touch with the natural rhythms of life. Stay Safe, Use this time to be productive, Have a voice, fight for whats right xxx

"I want you to act as if the house is on fire, because it is." - World Economic Forum, Davos, 24 January 2019 -Gretta Thunberg

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